We have had quite the adventure with our chickens and roos (roosters for those of you who are new all things chicken). We currently have 29 chickens that are either Brahma or Dominique. We HAD four roos but as of a couple of weeks ago they became dinner (YUMMY). Today’s post is simply an introduction to our chickens and I will post lots of info and pictures later. We are currently getting about 18 eggs (brown) per day which is a lot! However, I can’t yet tell if all my girls are laying since each one doesn’t lay everyday. Chickens have certainly been a learning experience and I will admit to reading a great chicken blog: www.backyardchickens.com on the weekends (which has helped a lot for raising chickens, but not so much for my social life).
Here is a teaser picture of some of the girls back last summer:
This is great. I’d love to have my own chickens but since I don’t, i’ll enjoy reading about yours.
We have chickens too. I have 5 New Hampshire Reds all hens, 5 naked neck hens- a rooster for each breed and a selection of Banty hens and roosters. We also raise quail, turkeys, rabbits and sheep.
I look forward to reading your blog!
Thanks, Lucy! Wow you have lots of variety!