Back to Square One

If the seasons are cyclical and we all know they are, where exactly does the square come in, much less the first one?   Aren’t cycles by definition round?  It seems that going back to square one gets a bad rap a lot of the time.  For instance, you always go back to square one, right? Read More

The sky is falling, the sky is falling! No, wait, it’s just the leaves…

I can’t believe it’s almost over….summer, that is.  Where has the this glorious season gone?  It has been a time of wonderful sun and warm temperatures and sun and warmth and more sun and warmth!  I remember wishing for this heat last winter and promising that I wouldn’t complain of the heat no matter how hot it Read More

Tragedy, Triumph and other stuff

I can’t believe it is already mid-July!  Where has the summer gone?  Like I hope all of you did, we had a great Fourth of July overall.  However, we did have a tragedy at the homestead.  We experienced our first death on July 3rd.  Well, our first unanticipated and unplanned death.  One of our black Read More