Sunny Days and Bees Are Here Again!

Sunny days are here again, except for well, today.  It has literally rained for the last 24 hours straight and it is STILL raining.  Boy it’s a great day for ducks! So, I got some ducks.  Five ducklings to be exact.  They are about a week and a half old and so darn cute!  Was Read More

Counting down the days

I am counting down the days. To what you ask?   To a couple of things:  planting in the garden and the blooms of Spring flowers.  Why these two things?  Once we can plant in the garden, that means it’s closer to the time that we can eat from the garden and once there are Read More

Still just January.

Here’s something to ponder on this, one of the last days of January: did you know that if you hard boil eggs at least a day after you collect them they peel really well?  I actually steam my eggs rather than boil them, but the result is the same.  The Hubs and I had a Read More

Fa la la… And a Princess Chicken Leia

My chicken has an ear infection.  MY CHICKEN HAS AN EAR INFECTION!  People, you read that right.  Twice.  Why twice, well, because she has two ears.  Can you believe it?  Thankfully, it’s only one chicken, but it’s so gross that one is enough. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year!  It’s that time of Read More

The Changing of the Guard

I am terrified of my pressure canner.  No, not MY pressure canner pre se, just pressure canning in general.  It certainly doesn’t keep me up at night, but I admit to finding enough alternatives to pressure canning that I have pressure canned NOTHING after 4 years of ownership.  But, you know what?  The door wreath is up, the Read More

Back to Square One

If the seasons are cyclical and we all know they are, where exactly does the square come in, much less the first one?   Aren’t cycles by definition round?  It seems that going back to square one gets a bad rap a lot of the time.  For instance, you always go back to square one, right? Read More